HI Warriors!
Is it just me, or does it feel like summer just began?
With fall in the air and schedules settling back to “normal,” September is the perfect time to pause and make a plan for how you want to finish the year.
Does anyone else feel like it makes way more sense to set goals and intentions in warm and sunny September rather than cold and dark January? Or, at least to reset the intentions we set in January (since many of us get a little off track in the summer months 🙂
Actually, it’s not really “off track” when we relax during the summer months. I like to think summer is just focused more on “chillpower” and allowing ourselves R&R time.
And, I’m not just talking about workouts and nutrition. For me, it’s more about personal and business goals than it is about diet and exercise. Wellness to me is as much about my marriage and friendships and feeling rewarded in my work as it is diet and exercise.
It’s a fine line to enjoy the benefits and rewards that come with hard work while practicing the self-care necessary to stay recharged, energized and inspired… both in our work and family life and with our health and fitness. All about the balance. How is your life balance?
That’s what Labor Day is all about … Work hard to be the best version of ourselves… but also relax and chill out. For me, it’s a never ending quest to find that perfect balance. I definitely let myself chill a good bit this summer, although I did add lots new videos to my YouTube Channel including a Yoga for Runners playlist and several new Core Yoga videos.
What about you? Did you get a little “off track” this summer?
Now is the perfect time to reset intentions for the rest of the year and soak up the summer sun while we still can.
Grab a piece of paper, plop down under a shady tree and write down the answers to these questions:
- What are three things you’d like to accomplish between now and December 31st? Remember, it doesn’t need to be just fitness-related. How are your relationships? What about your sleep and self-care? Is your work-life rewarding? True wellness is a balance of it all.
- What obstacles are standing in your way?
- What actions can you take to get from where you are to where you want to be? Who can support you and hold you accountable?
- Are you willing to be a little uncomfortable to get what you want? If yes, how will you overcome the discomfort? If no, why not? When will you be ready?
- How do you want to feel? How will achieving your goal make you feel?
One things is for sure, the time will pass either way and it’ll be January 1, 2019 before we know it! So make time for what’s important NOW.
In the meantime, if you need support on reaching your wellness goals, I offer personalized private health coaching for those who really want a customized experience and online DIY Yoga and Superfood programs, perfect for busy moms, stressed out corporate executives as well as runners and athletes who could use a little more self-care, flexibility and recovery.
PS Did I mention I’m turning 50 in December? YUP. So I’ve been super reflective this summer. And a big part of my personal intentions are always focused around joy… and doing more that makes me happy. And the older I get, the more I realize it’s the simple things, like doing yoga with my rescue pups Stella, Luna and Leo.
So, I’m offering a few Yoga for Rescue Pups fundraiser classes in September. You get the benefit of the yoga and 100% of the money goes to rescue pups who need medical care and a second chance. Hope to see you there!