Hi everyone! Yesterday was an average hump day. I got home from training a client, was sitting in my office working on details for my upcoming Spring Supercharge Yoga & Superfood program … and all the sudden the mood struck me … to try on my wedding dress (which has literally been hanging in my closet for 25 years in the same garmet bag it went to the church in on that snowy January day in 1992 :))
I was feeling confident about trying it on… I had just completed the 5 day January Jump Start yoga & superfood challenge and I just had a sense I was a few pounds lighter (I don’t weigh myself but you just “know”)… Anyone who did my program knows that weight loss was not the goal – it’s just a natual “side effect” of cleaning up your diet and practicing self-care.
OK, back to my average hump day… I’m sitting at my desk, knowing I should take a “posture break” (you know, when you’ve been sitting too long and you catch yourself slumping)…
And that’s when I got the bright idea! Let’s crank up some music (hello Starboy and Scars to Your Beautiful) and break out THAT DRESS!
I know “the little black dress” is all the rage, but seriously… it’s the white dress! Right?!
Well, what happend next was anything but average for a Wednesday…
I got downright GIDDY (and anyone who knows me knows I’m not really the silly giddy type)…
Alone in my house. Music cranking. Me in MY DRESS… like I was 23 again…
Yes, 25 years later… the dress fits… (well, a little snug in the booty and thighs, but like I said in my Instagram post… I’m OK with THAT! ;))
Truth is, there was a good 10 year span in my 30s – early 40’s where I wouldn’t have dared to try that dress on. I was struggling with getting balanced after Hashimotos thyroiditis and post Lyme and my body just wasn’t the same after that trauma.
There was a time I thought I’d never feel energized, lean and light again.
I thought the more I pushed and punished my body, drank diet soda and ate “fat-free” low calorie foods, eventually I’d lose weight. But instead, I kept gaining weight and I was always exhausted.
Then I discovered yoga…
My energy and body returned only when I stopped trying to kill myself with running and high-intensity workouts and started practing more gentle yoga, practicing self-care and eating a diet full of nutrient dense, high-fat, high-quality real foods.
That’s how Flexible Warrior was born.
I believe we are all warriors on some level. Stay-at-home mom’s, desk warriors, athletes, cancer-survivors…
We all deserve to feel fantastic in a little black dress, our wedding dress or whatever outfit brings us confidence and JOY.
I’ll admit I was nervous to share my post. I was worried that people would think I was bragging.
But I was genuinely so excited and believe we need to be our authentic self to connect with like-minded people…
So, I shared a different side of me… the side only my husband and good friends usually see.
It’s been a long journey to reclaiming my health and I feel so blessed to now help others do the same.
I’m offering a program in April called Spring Supercharge … it’s all about yoga, superfoods and self-care.
If you’re on a journey toward feeling healthier, lighter and more energized, join me and a group of like-minded, busy, warrior-types to create a more balanced and resilient mind, body and spirit.
PS Sign up for my Enews for a free chapter of my book and a free e-book with recipes to kick your sugar addiction
XO & Namaste,
Karen Dubs