Happy New Year Warriors!
I love the possibility that comes with a new year. And, although I love Christmas, I also LOVE the peace that comes post holiday and the quiet yin winter season… A time to rest, reset and be more introspective.
Winter is time to look back, look forward and look inside.
January is also a time for many to get back into a healthy schedule, detox from cocktails and cookies and set positive and powerful intentions for the new year!
My of course have “resolutions”. That’s cool. It’s always a good time to resolve to be a better version of ourselves.
This is my 10th Year for ONE WORD (instead of a list of negative resolutions, choose a word to define and shape clarity, power and passion for your year and life).
I began my One Word journey in 2013 with the help of my friend Jimmy Page who co-authored the book “Get One Word”. What a powerful impact it’s had on my life. My words through the years… Joy, Light, Create, Free, Launch, Fun, Spirit, Magic, Dance and my word for 2022 is… HEAL.
My intention / word for 2020 was magical… and what a year to focus on the magic in everyday life, despite the obsacles we all faced with the onset of COVID Life. I had plenty of set-backs throughout the year but it’s all about progress, not perfection and seeing magic and goodness everywhere, especially in nature, family and friends…
For 2021 my word was DANCE and boy did I resist committing to that word, but it served me so well last year as dancing is a natural mood-lifter and anti-depressant as well as silly and fun.
What about you?
To help you choose your word or theme for the upcoming year, contemplate these 5 questions…
- What made you feel proud, uplifted and happy in 2020?
- What habits, relationships, things to do want to detox from / let go of… what no longer serves your highest potential?
- How do you want to feel in 2021? (list some words that describe or reinforce how you want to feel)
- Why do you want to feel that way? (because knowing your why can make all the difference in the world, especially when you hit obstacles).
- What actions steps can take? What people, activites, food make you feel the way you want to feel? What obstacles will you need to overcome to feel the way you want to feel? What has held you back in the past?
Then, list three things you’re proud / brought you joy of from the past few years…
A few for me…
- Donating 10″ of “superfood hair” to Children With Hair Loss (so doing it again in 2021 🙂
- Raising thousands of dollars for rescue pups with yoga fundraisers and my book Adopting Joy (you can follow along with my rescue pups on their Instagram Page 🙂
- Fostering a dog and helping dozens of other animals get their second chance
- Grand nieces & nephews (pure joy)
- Since no travel happened for us, I made a travel memory album and dreaming of traveling again 🙂
What about you? Post and tag me with your intentions on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook!
I’m also super proud of transitioning to all online coaching and hosting several Yoga, Superfood & Self Care Programs along with coaching dozens of one-on-one clients to help them improve their recovery, performance, flexibility and overall health and even decrease migraine and autoimmune flare ups. Another challenge is coming soon, so be sure to subscribe to my enewsletter and stay tuned!
My greatest joy truly comes from being part of a positive ripple effect in the world and helping my clients achieve their goals.
Is it just me, or are commercials getting louder and more obnoxious by the minute? Thankful for Netflix. And I recently rewatched Forrest Gump and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by the fire with my hubby and pups… Time well spent. But for the most part, the less TV, gadetry and social media and more nature, the better I feel. Which is why I do several “digital detoxes” a year. Honestly, it takes me a few days to break the habit of scrolling, but turning off my phone and reading a good book is heavenly. When’s the last time you unplugged?
It’s very easy to get overwhelmed in January … with all the commercials offering magic bullets, diet plans and expensive gadgets to health to help you lose weight and get fit and healthy “once and for all”.
If you’ve read my book “Find Your Flexible Warrior” you know I don’t follow any diets and I don’t use any gadgets. My “exercise equipment” mostly consists of a pair of running shoes, a yoga mat and my body.
My “diet” is focused on fueling my body with delicious, plant-based, nutrient-dense foods (not restriction or calorie-counting) … and my medicine cabinet is full of essential oils and supplements for prevention and natural healing.
Did you know that almost 90% of people set a New Year’s resolution, but about 60% give up after just a few weeks?! And, the average person makes the same resolution 10 consecutive years with no success 🙁 …
That’s why I don’t set resolutions. But certainly, to be the best version of ourselves, it’s important to step out of our comfort zone, challenge ourselves and try new things.
Here are 5 Flexible Warrior inspired “non-resolution” ways to kick off the year healthier, lighter, more energized and positive :))…
- Do a juice & superfood reboot! Order your juices via ZIA’S (if you’re in the Baltimore area) or Order via Juice Fresh – they ship to most states and offer 100% organic juices! Be sure to write “Flexible Warrior” in the notes at check out (and forward your receipt to [email protected]) and I will then email you with my plant-based, superfood recipes and detox tips! Also, don’t forget to clean out the tempting junk food from your pantry and STOCK UP ON SUPERFOODS! and you can book a private session with me for extra support and accountability.
- Join the 21 Day Anti-Inflammatory Plan for amazing healthy recipes to reduce inflammation, speed healing and boost overall health & wellness.
- Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and join me for LIVE yoga, Pilates & Cross-Training.
- If it’s been a while since you’ve had a massage, try this foam roll & stretch segment…
Carve out 30 Minutes this week to set a postive intention for the new year…
Wishing you a heartfelt happy, healthy new year!
If you need more support, I offer one-on-one yoga and health coaching so feel free to reach out if you need someone to hold you accountable to your goals and intentions.
Stay healthy & flexible, warriors!!!
Karen Dubs