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content_max_width=”100%” custom_padding=”50px|0px|50px|0px|false|false” auto=”on” auto_speed=”5000″][et_pb_slide admin_title=”Barb Clapp” _builder_version=”4.0.4″]
“As a PR and Marketing firm our days are high pressure and very demanding from press and customers alike. There is no room for mediocrity in what we do. We lose a client if we don’t perform at 100% ever day. I know as a business owner, it is important to invest in my team and personal balance is essential to their performance. So I brought yoga into the work place once a week. It has yielded positive results beyond my expectations. Karen can walk in weekly and get a sense of the general feel of the weeks pace and demands and she automatically adapts our session to the current needs of our team. My team is very driven and having this scheduled as part of our week, makes us take down time. They look forward to the Friday sessions starting on Monday and each session has built a very positive energy in our office. Weekly corporate yoga has increased productivity, improved team spirit and has reduced workplace maladies such as headaches and fatigue. Every corporation and employee would benefit form Karen Dubs yoga.”
Barb Clapp, Owner Clapp Communications
[/et_pb_slide][et_pb_slide admin_title=”Jenny DeSantis” _builder_version=”4.0.4″]
Karen is an amazing yoga teacher who also shares her expertise in nutrition and overall balance. Her recipes invite you to try new foods and to look at food combinations differently. Whether she shares videos on her You Tube channel or invites a group to meet up, the encouragement and motivation is contagious! Thank you, Karen, for always providing healthy tips to make positive, simple changes to our lives.
Jenny DeSantis, Busy working mom of 3
[/et_pb_slide][et_pb_slide admin_title=”Elizabeth Jackson” _builder_version=”4.0.5″]
“As the Human Resources Director for the Baltimore Ravens, to be competitive on the field and off, we recognize the significance in investing in keeping our employees healthy. A large part of a healthy workforce is wellness. Wellness programs are extremely important and add significant value to both employees and employers. They provide balance, contribute to a more productive workforce, keep our employees happy and healthy, and, thus give us a competitive advantage. We hire only the best employees and we do what we can to keep them happy, healthy and productive. Karen Dubs is a large part of our program. She is a first-class professional, the best in her business and she is committed to keeping our team healthy, strong and flexible. Karen takes exceptional pride in aligning our priorities and goals with hers. She is accommodating, dynamic, friendly and dedicated. We can’t say enough about her. We value our relationship with her and know that anyone who works with her will have the same opinion!”
Elizabeth Jackson, Director of Human Services Baltimore Ravens
[/et_pb_slide][et_pb_slide admin_title=”Lauren Baker” _builder_version=”4.0.4″]
“Karen has been teaching a Power Yoga class at our worksite for 5 years. Her class has consistently grown in attendance, and is by far one of the most popular classes that we offer. Karen’s ability to connect with her students has really put her at the top of her game. So many participants have commented how their Mondays just wouldn’t be the same without having Karen’s Power Yoga class to begin their weeks. Karen teaches a class that appeals to all levels, is continuously varied and keeps you wanting to come back for more. Anyone and everyone would benefit from the physical exercise as well as the stress relief that Karen’s class provides. I personally know many ‘type A’ personalities that love Karen’s class because it keeps even those individuals challenged and interested in seeing the results that Yoga provides.”
Lauren Baker, Program CoordinatorBD Diagnostic Systems Fitness Center
[/et_pb_slide][et_pb_slide admin_title=”Monique Savits” _builder_version=”4.0.4″]
Flexible Warrior/Karen Dubs is amazing! She introduced me to yoga years and years ago! I took loads of classes with her (when she was teaching in the area) and she transformed my body and my outlook. I own all of her DVDs and love them! It’s great to have her right there in my living room (on my TV) coaching me along! Her book “Find Your Flexible Warrior” is a great read and opened my mind up to so much! I highly recommend Flexible Warrior to everyone!
Monique Savits[/et_pb_slide][et_pb_slide admin_title=”TamTam Rafaeli” _builder_version=”4.0.4″]Do yourself a favor . Follow Karen Dubs aka Flexible Warrior. Karen has provided videos on her Flexible Warrior YouTube channel : you can subscribe and then choose exactly what type of yoga you want. She also teaches from her own life experiences of learning the importance of cleaner eating .
I recommend Flexible Warrior because IT WORKS. When you feel better, everything falls into place ! ?? ???♀️
TamTam Rafaeli[/et_pb_slide][et_pb_slide admin_title=”Ryan Moran” _builder_version=”4.0.4″]
“Our team has been working with and will continue to work with Coach Karen. She is a true professional of her craft and her expertise, passion and commitment is truly felt by our athletes. Her impact on our program has extended far beyond the studio resulting in positive health changes that will extend beyond their careers as division 1 athletes. I would encourage any team to work with her.”
Ryan Moran, Head Men’s Lacrosse Coach, UMBC[/et_pb_slide][et_pb_slide admin_title=”Katie Heyl” _builder_version=”4.0.4″]
As a runner and a busy Mom, I’m so glad I invested in Karen’s Spring Supercharge program. I know I should practice self-care and eat better but I never actually did it… until I enrolled in Karen’s program. She is all about “progress not perfection” and that was such a good fit for my busy life. Learning how to approach my self-care with a sense of calm, balance and acceptance was as beneficial as learning about the superfoods that ‘fuel my prana’. I am proud of myself for making these positive changes in my lifestyle and I’m already signed up for the Core Yoga & Superfood Smoothie Challenge.”
Katie Heyl, Running Coach & Busy Mom[/et_pb_slide][et_pb_slide admin_title=”Gaby Fishpaw” _builder_version=”4.0.4″]
“Karen’s Willpower / Chillpower approach and Spring Supercharge program affirm the benefits of home yoga and self care. As a runner, I log a lot of miles that really tax and tighten my body. I have learned from Karen about the importance of balancing my running and cross-training routine with flexibility and recovery. She always promotes and reminds runners that consistency is the key and that it is not about being perfect in yoga poses. Her short 10 – 15 minute sequences fit in great pre or post-run and really keep me feeling limber, strong and able to keep going… And learning the myriad of benefits of Superfoods has been dramatically beneficial to my energy and recovery… Without even trying to lose weight, I had less bloat and more leanness!”
Gaby Fishpaw[/et_pb_slide][et_pb_slide admin_title=”Steve” _builder_version=”4.0.4″]
“As a Master cyclist that averages 100+ miles per week, I am always looking for ways to improve flexibility and reduce inflammation. The Flexible Warrior book is a very balanced approach to life . . diet and self-care. Since reading her book, I have given up diet sodas and alcohol. I have also reduced sugar consumption. I follow her JERF (just eat real food) mantra. I practice yoga or other form of self care at least 10 minutes a day. I have lost 5 pounds (Not a huge deal, from 158 to 153) and reduced body fat from 9% to 7% (that’s relative on my scale). Heartburn has disappeared. Inflammation has subsided to the point I have almost stopped taking over the counter pain meds. I have been radically changed as I incorporated the Flexible Warrior principles. I just completed a metric century race and won my age group (top finisher of fourteen 60+ cyclists). Karen’s motivational style and positive spirit are awesome and keep me coming back.”
Steve, Master Cyclist[/et_pb_slide][et_pb_slide admin_title=”Lindsay Pickney” _builder_version=”4.0.5″]
“Here at the Ravens, we LOVE Karen and look forward to our lunch time yoga sessions each week. Her wealth of knowledge about yoga and the body is very impressive. She tailors each session to any ailments the group has and has served as a informal “wellness coach” to many employees over the years.”
Lindsay Pickney, Baltimore Ravens Human Resources Coordinator [/et_pb_slide][et_pb_slide admin_title=”Adam Rudolph” _builder_version=”4.0.4″]
“Karen’s Flexible Warrior program has changed my running and overall fitness life. I utilize her pre- and post-workout yoga routines daily and I can say with confidence that I have remained healthy and injury-free as a result. Thank you, Karen. Keep up the incredible work and I will continue to be a loyal subscriber. Chill Power for LIFE.”
Adam Rudolph[/et_pb_slide][et_pb_slide admin_title=”Pete Caringi” _builder_version=”4.0.4″]
“Karen has done a great job with our UMBC Men’s Soccer team. We used her in the spring of 2012 and the players have had nothing but positive things to say about her Yoga session. She was very professional, and I would not hesitate to recommend her to any group or individual that wants to take Yoga.”
Pete Caringi, Director of Maryland Soccer Camps[/et_pb_slide][et_pb_slide admin_title=”Terrell Suggs” _builder_version=”4.0.4″]
“Working with Karen has been pivital to my career. I’m in my 15th year as a professional football player and I wouldn’t have been able to play at such a high level without her.”
Terrell Suggs, Raven’s Lineback & six-time pro bowler[/et_pb_slide][et_pb_slide admin_title=”Paul Ricci, M.Ed., CSCS” _builder_version=”4.0.4″]
“As our program at the University of Maryland Men’s Basketball began to get off the ground we added Karen Dubs into our program to introduce a basketball specific yoga series to our players. Karen planned out a sport specific sequence of sessions for our players that consistently challenged them to become more disciplined and focused; all while improving their joint mobility, flexibility and having fun. As a team, we are better focused, running faster, reacting quicker, jumping higher and breathing more efficiently than we have ever been. Karen has played a vital role in our improvement and will continue to in the future”.
Paul Ricci, M.Ed., CSCS, Head Strength & Conditioning Coach
University Of Maryland Men’s Basketball[/et_pb_slide][et_pb_slide admin_title=”Suzanne Stettinius” _builder_version=”4.0.4″]
“Within two weeks of working with Karen, my coaches made comments on how much better my stroke was in the water. I was hitting times I never had before in running and swimming and I felt more confident with attempting a deeper lunge in fencing. Karen’s recovery sessions became a key component of my training and I truly believe I would not have made the London 2012 team without Karen!”
Suzanne Stettinius, Olympic Pentathlete[/et_pb_slide][et_pb_slide admin_title=”Anthony Adams” _builder_version=”4.0.4″]
“We brought Karen in to work with UMBC Men’s Soccer last spring. Specifically, we were interested in the programs of yoga for sports and flexibility for athletes. The results were outstanding and the feed back from our players was extremely positive.”
Anthony Adams, Associate Head Men’s Soccer Coach, UMBC[/et_pb_slide][et_pb_slide admin_title=”Trish Backer” _builder_version=”4.0.4″]
“Karen has been providing a variety of wellness and yoga classes, as well as nutrition counseling to the People of KELLY for several years. Her hands on approach to bringing wellness into the work place has been well received and her sessions often have a wait list. Her super food classes and wellness courses appeal to anyone looking for balance and a healthier approach to life. We are so pleased to have formed a relationship with Karen to bring healthy choices to our People. “
Trish Backer-Miceli, Vice President of Human Resources, Kelly & Associates[/et_pb_slide][et_pb_slide admin_title=”Tarah Wilson” _builder_version=”4.0.4″]
“I met Karen doing a yoga for runners class years ago, so I was already an athlete trying to take care of myself but Karen’s knowledge, attitude and fun nature have been key to my feeling good, and energetic, not run-down – plus adding longevity for those of us over 40! I want to be strong and flexible until I’m 100!! She talks about balancing chillpower and willpower – nourishing yourself (body, mind, AND spirit) and challenging yourself to do hard things! Karen’s health coaching and challenges have provided me with knowledge but also tools so these rituals can be part of my daily life instead of knowledge in my head about what I’m supposed to be doing. I love waking up and doing one of her 10-minute yoga or stretching YouTube videos. I hear her voice in my head when I struggle, “Progress, not perfection.” She is a huge part of my journey to complete my first marathon! And she makes it fun by sharing her love of nature, her sweet rescue pups, and a giant smile! “
Tarah Wilson[/et_pb_slide][/et_pb_slider][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]